CAS Trip To Gir

CAS trip was a 4 days trip, organized from 6th September 2018 to 9th September 2018, by Fountainhead School to Sasan Gir. The CAS trip covered all the three strands of CAS. It was observed that there had been a significant decrease in the population of the lions, the main reason was that the lions used to fall in the open well in the night while hunting their prey; which led to the main objective of this trip which was to make a front for the well to prevent the lions falling in it basically making a fence/grill for the wells. It was a great experience for me, there were multiple reasons, the first reason was that for the first time in my life I did welding, cutting of rods, used types of machinery etc, the second reason was it was a pretty nice time to spend with friends and make new bonds and most importantly a perfect chance to run away from academic strain, so for me it was a trip that fit just right. During this trip, we were staying in tents with proper accommodations for tents with AC, TV etc. It was fun staying with people I never did before. However, we did not use the gadgets or hardly used the language to reduce carbon footprints. This trip was productive and also I personally learnt a lot more over there is no trip which has not been REMARKABLE.

Learning outcomes achieved:-

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
This trip made me realize that I am a pure nature lover and also made me realize that nature is the one thing that can keep me away from the internet and gadgets; however, I have always been passionate about trekking and nature sports. Although on the contrary, I do lack energy and stamina due to my health issues.

LO2 : Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
I performed tasks like welding, cutting the rods, and used the types of machinery for the first time in my life. I was extremely scared and panicked when I saw the machinery but just as always my friends motivated me and I did all the activities. Moreover, there were people who were expertized in this field of work to help us and also to ensure our safety. As mentioned above, while performing these tasks I realized that it requires a lot of energy and stamina which I lacked. We were segregated into two groups; where I was separated from my close friends, and again being an introvert it was a task for me but in the end, the trip ended on a happy note since I made a bond with many people and started conversing with almost everyone in the grade.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience
Since it was teamwork, we collaboratively divided the tasks; but I had to complete my task anyhow with patience and discipline because other people were busy with other tasks. This definitely taught me perseverance. Our bus reached Gir around 5 hours late from the expected time; this definitely brought us less time to complete the task. Our batch completed a 2-day task of making the fence in almost the time of 1 day or 1 and a half which therefore reflected our commitment.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively
On the first day of the trip to make the process fun our teachers divided us into two groups also because we had to make two fences/grill. Both the groups completed 2 days work within a day which was possible only and only because of the cooperation we had internally in the teams. Despite the fact that while making teams I was separated from my close friends and yet, in the teams, all of us helped each other. On the other hand, I did not have much stamina and also I was so scared to use the machines still all of the members of my team motivated me. In addition, my team made the fence first, which was again because of coordination.

LO6 : Engagement with issues of global
As the imperiled Asiatic Lions just exist in West India and Africa, they hold worldwide importance. As mentioned earlier, with around 250 lions biting the dust in the past half-decade, it is hard to keep up a dimension of biodiversity. Thus, sparing lions is an issue of worldwide centrality. The absence of (defensive) metal fence empowered lions falling into the well and being a reason they are wiped out, therefore. Establishment of the different fences spreads awareness made by us to help spare lions from being wiped out. Besides, through our night sessions with specialists, we found out about the fact that it is so critical to offer back to the network and help spare creatures.

Moreover, this trip turned out to be extremely productive, a perfect example of fun learning and moreover polishing and establishing new skills. This trip also made me loose fear of night in nature; when we had gone for a night walk which turned out extremely scary at first but in the end it was an amazing experience.

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