Karma Kitchen

Karma Kitchen was an event dedicated to all the support staff in our school. In this event, we took over all the responsibilities and gave our best efforts to make the moment special and memorable for the staff by cooking, dancing and spending time with them. All the members we divided into groups and were given some jobs. Majorly there were two groups, one for decoration and one for cooking. However, there were further divisions within the group.


LO 2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process; LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experience; LO5- Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively

I was a part of the decoration team. We were a pair of 2 people, and our job was to cut the gratitude cards. There were a lot of cards to cut which would ideally take 3 hours if only one person had to do it which would get difficult, and we only had 30 minutes for the event to begin. However, we overcame the challenge by asking two more volunteers to help us and then we were done cutting the card in an hour or so. After my job was done, I had no work, so I decided to help other members. It isn’t comfortable for me to work in groups however, we had less time for preparations and my help was needed, so I decided not to sit idle. Initially, I helped others to decorate the dining area. Afterwards, I helped the cooking team in preparing the food. It did get difficult in the beginning because we had to prepare food for over 100 staff members. Definitely, the commitment was required! To ease out the work for us, we divided the work amongst and then rotated time to time, so that we don’t get bored doing the same thing repeatedly.


LO6- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

In our day to day lives, we tend to disrespect the helpers around us. It is crucial to respect them because everybody is equal and deserve respect. It is inhumane to make them feel vulnerable. Therefore, this was an apt opportunity to make them feel special and make their day memorable. We started our event with some entertainment: We did a flash mob; all the didis and bhaiyas were asked to sing; we did garba with them. We ended our day by serving the delicious food to the staff and distributing the gratitude cards to them.

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