CAS (Service Sessions)

As we had to fulfill the requirements of CAS component Service, so our school had invited underprivileged students from various schools in Surat. These service sessions were on every Saturday for about a month and half where we taught them new skills which we do in our school. I taught them Ultimate frisbee which is also a PS sport in our school and I’m playing it for a long time and I want others to learn it. It is a growing sport in India so not many people know about it.

LO1: I recognized that I can be a great teacher and can connect to students very easily. After knowing this I see myself as a good leader. Growing is the key to survive. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses help you grow and so it is very important. One weakness I recognized was teamwork, while team teaching, I had issues with other people but teaching these students made me realized that teamwork divides the tasks and it becomes easier for everyone to do the work.

LO2: Communication in a different language was a challenge. I have never taught someone anything in a language that I never speak. I tried explaining them with actions which worked and also my mates helped me. I also learned how to treat people in various situations as there were students who genuinely wanted to learn and on the other hand there were some who weren’t interested at all. This is very important as you should know how to deal with different types of people who can come across you at any point in time.

LO4: Each Saturday, we had to come to school for about a month and half, missing our tuitions and other important things which required commitment. But the feeling of making someone smile is always better. So I was more than happy to miss some stuff. Yes, if I commit something, I’ll try to finish it as soon as possible because commitment helps one to be responsible and pro-active.

LO5: It’s not that easy as you require a special bond to work together and you should trust your partner, so it was difficult for me to work with peers but I was left with no choice but to do the tasks. I tried and collaborated, and in the end, it helped me as I was much better in communication. Without teamwork or leadership, the students wouldn’t have learned better.

LO6: Most of the students were poor and couldn’t afford the quality education. Poverty and lack of education is a worldwide known problem and I’m glad that I’m a part of this service sessions where I taught them the things I’m good at. This global issue can be solved by the others who are willing help.

At last, this was a new experience as I have never done anything like this before, I would like to thank my school for giving me this opportunity where I helped other people to learn new things. The students also got something new to learn as it was first time experience for them.


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