Model United Nations (MUN)


MUNs are a perfect platform to exhibit your oratory and research skills and overcome the stage fright. Apart from that, MUNs are also great for socialising. You get to meet a lot of people from different cities and states.
I took part in two of the MUNs, Mega-Conference, and FSMUN. Mega Conference was in the month of September, and FSMUN was in the month of December.

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

I have stage fright. It is very difficult for me to express myself without hesitation in front of a considerable audience. Therefore, it is really difficult for me to speak in MUNs. However, I decided to take a step, to participate in the Mega Conference because I feel it is very significant to have great oratory skills to create impact anywhere in the future. I faced some difficulties; A lot of times, I spoke nonsense and sometimes blanked out. However, I didn’t give up and tried to speak in every moderated caucus. I wouldn’t say I overcame the fear, but MUN has surely taught me how to handle the fear to some extent.


LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

As I mentioned earlier, Mega-Conference was a total embarrassment. I was really demotivated afterwards and didn’t have any courage to participate in any further MUN. However, I stood committed and decided to participate in FSMUN where I would work a little harder. In FSMUN, I was relatively confident. My participation substantially increased. I got better at orating and the EB members also appreciated my oratory skills; they told me to continue MUNing. Last but not least, in FSMUN, for the second day of the conference, my country was changed from Japan to Syria. It was a challenge to have strong research within a night. However, I didn’t back out. I tried my best to research sufficiently so that I could speak the next day. It wasn’t an easy task to be ready with adequate research but I managed.

LO7- Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and action
As mentioned, MUN is all about researching and orating where plagiarism also comes into the picture. Firstly, I picked up information from those sites which were considered authentic and reliable. Though it cuts down a lot of information you can access, I stood away from sites which were mentioned not to be used. Furthermore, I tried my best to cite all the sites I surfed and gave credits wherever was needed, maintaining honesty.

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