CAS Reflection— Service Sessions

Our school emphasises on the physical growth of children just as much academic. The principal himself happens to love sports and everybody at our school understands the importance of physical activities on children. Therefore, when our school held service sessions for underprivileged children, I was more than happy to volunteer. These children came from rural schools and villages around the city and were divided into groups which either engaged in indoor activities (cooking, computer classes, dancing) or outdoor activities (football, basketball, frisbee). I happened to take part in the outdoor team while helping children learn and play both football and basketball.


LO4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

An obstacle was the fact that these sessions were, unfortunately, held on Saturdays. This was a problem for me as these sessions lasted several hours in the afternoon and proved to be very strenuous for me, taking a physical toll on me as well. This resulted in an imbalance of my regular routine on Saturday, which involves my law classes as well as school work. However, I understood the purpose behind these sessions and slowly started enjoying them, rather than displaying reluctance. Commitment was also shown on the part of the children, who were faced with a disconcerting task of learning a new sport in a short time, but their own motivation levels enhanced my willingness to help them and enjoy at the same time.


LO5- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Football and basketball are team sports, and collaboration is a very key part of success in both sports and life. If one cannot venture beyond their comfort zone and raise their own level, they will be stuck at a mediocre level forever. This was something which I indirectly tried to teach the children who often complained about us forcing them to exercise and play continuously. I also had to work together with them and my fellow classmates who divided the skills to be taught according to our own levels. Thus, I was teaching the kids about goalkeeping since that is my role in a normal football match as well.


LO7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.

A primary issue of the unavailability of sports and appropriate physical activities for destitute children was one which was prevalent for me, as I could see that they were very excited at the mere sight of a basketball court, which is something normal for us but which must be very appealing for them. After the sessions, I felt that we, as students of an IB school, were extremely lucky to study in such a prestigious school with a family background which is more than happy to spend a huge sum of money on our education. This actually was a humbling moment for me personally as I often take many things, which these children think of luxuries, for granted. 


To conclude, the entire experience was a life lesson for me, as I learned about the hardships of life which I am fortunate enough to ignore currently. I inculcated Thinker, Open-Minded and Reflective as my Learner Profiles. This session certainly proved to be a lesson for life!  

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