Karma kitchen

The main motive of this event was to pay a tribute to the support staff of foutainhead so that we can thank them for what they have been doing for us since so many years. This event was organised in the school where all the students including the teachers went doing everything for the support staff to make them feel thankful and grateful for what they do for us. There were several groups like the decoration team, cooking team, camera team wherein I decided to be a part of  decoration team, but later on my friend said that they were lacking one photographer. So I was ready to help them out, without even giving a thought that I havent taught using it before.

learning outcomes i achieved:

lo2-Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process: Without giving a thought of second, I said yes to her taking up the challenge. But then I decided and went to one of my friend to learn how to use it. Later on i found out on that day, that I can click amazing pictures and that I am really passionate about capturing beautiful happy shots and smiles on peoples faces.

lo5-Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively: So we were only three people in the camera team. So we were told to take pictures of  the groups but due to the decoration team and cooking team were in different places. So we divided ourselfs , where one went to cooking and the other two in the decoration. Even there were times when my camera got discharged but due to team work we were able to make it

overall, it was a fun event and a great experience. Seeing them with happy faces was a fun in itself.


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