My main motive to join gym is to stay healthy and fit. As gym helps to gain huge health benefits like- keeping away from Heart diseases, avoid diabetes and depression, etc. One of the big reason to go to gym is the access of equipments wherein we could gain much benefits and train our body through them. Along with getting fit, gymming helps us increase our energy levels, be challenged, feel motivated and to establish a healthy routine. Except for maintaining a healthy life going gym also helps us build our social life that is through interacting with different people and making new friends.
Learning Outcomes achieved –
LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth
By going to gym i was able to identify that i wasn’t good with endurance that is, i couldn’t persevere long and vigorous workouts but was able to make it my benefit with my strength of being punctual and attending it regularly.
By going to gym on regular basis, i was able to acknowledge that i would have done it long back so that i wouldn’t have to clash it along with the time of studies. According to me, knowing our strengths and weaknesses is very crucial as your strengths help us identify ourselves whereas the weaknesses hold us back in different areas where we have a capability to work upon it. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses we can know where we stand and work upon the area we lag in.
Working on my weakness – ‘lagging endurance and stamina’ not only helped me in making me fit and healthy but, also aided me in my daily life where i needed energy to perform certain tasks and also to persevere in long working hours.
LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
For me, meeting up with the requirements of the trainer was the most difficult part wherein he made me work vigorously as per my body type where sometimes it was difficult to meet up his full requirements due to my heavy body and weaknesses.
For me, gymming was the first time though i have done some body maintaining activities like swimming, skating, dancing before still, it was a challenging task for me as it included overall workout of the body along with a strict diet which was a bit hectic and frustrating for me at the start which i later overcame through regularity at the same.
According to me, undertaking such challenges is very important as these challenges help us shape ourselves as a responsible human being and they always come with an opportunity to learn something new and to build up our personality in person.
Going to gym, helped me getting acknowledged about my skill of perseverance which developed furthermore and helped my last for long duration tasks and made me proud of myself about my capabilities.
Learning new skills help us become multitasking and help us stand out in a crowd and also help us not getting down in any form or type of work.
LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
As gyming was for the first time it was very difficult to meet up with the tasks and the expectations of the trainer where perseverance and commitment to my goal of getting fit and healthy was crucial for me. Commitment of being regular and not to give up was very important for me to achieve my aims and objectives. It’s not always easy to show commitment towards things but, gymming as a concept was crucial for my healthy well being that made me prioritize my routines again and persevere for the same.
Final Take Away –
Learner profile characteristics that i developed were -:
– Risk Takers: As gyming is something in which a great care needs to be taken as to be safe and not to get injured, it was a activity with great qualities but with equal level of risks.
– Communicators: As it was a place with many people around, i learned to open up with unknown people and to maintain a good relations with them.
– Balanced: As we all know, anything in access is harmful for our body, so a balance is needed to be made between all where along with gymming, a resting or a leisure time needs to be managed wherein the muscles get rest.
The main highlight of performing this activity for was that i started living a healthy lifestyle with a lot of positivity in it.
For me, gymming was altogether a success where i was able to reduce my weight to a great extent and started to leave a healthy lifestyle that indirectly lead to emergence of happiness around me.
At first, gymming was too hectic for me along with the studies but, slowly and gradually as i saw results, i felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
From this experience, i learned to persevere and to interact with different people around that lead to a great change in my personal as well as my social life.
If i would do this activity again, i would change my routine to make it better suiting with my other day to day schedules and routine.
Through this activity further, i would aid others in similar situations to find a better path by guiding them through my real life experience of this activity.

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