Service Sessions

‘Service Sessions’ held in Fountainhead School were like camps for the underprivileged students wherein we the students of G11 taught them with different sports like – Frisbee, Football, Basketball, etc and art activities like – Dancing, Drawing, Crafts, etc and even some basic information and usage of computers. I in person taught students how to play frisbee and was very successful in teaching them with few throughs and gaming style.

Learning Outcomes achieved –
LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas of growth
According to me, knowing our strengths and weaknesses is very crucial as our strengths help us identify ourselves whereas on the other hand, the weaknesses hold us back in different areas where we have a capability to work upon. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses we can know where we stand and work upon the area we lag in. Through the service sessions i found that my strength here was my knowledge about the sport and my communication skills that helped them reach to the students whereas on the other hand, I found out that my weakness were these underprivileged children, the feelings and sentiments i possessed for them that in a way worked as a strength for me that held me back with them and learn further in life along with them.
LO 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process
For me, handling these underprivileged children that too in large number was really challenging as they comparatively possessed less education on how to be disciplined and in a well mannered behaviour. To overcome this we had to act a bit strict and had to teach them some lessons on discipline as well that would help them develop as a good human being.
According to me, undertaking such challenges is very important as these challenges help us shape ourselves as a responsible human being and they always come with an opportunity to learn something new and to build up our personality in person.
During these service sessions, i further developed on my communication and handling skills to a great extent.
Learning new skills help us become multitasking and help us stand out in a crowd and also help us not getting down in any form or type of work.
LO 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.
For me, Handling these underprivileged children that too in large number was really difficult as they comparatively possessed less education on how to be disciplined and in a well mannered behavior which was a bit stressful but for to persevere it, we overcame it we had to act a bit strict and had to teach them some lessons on discipline as well that would help them develop as a good human being. Here a commitment had to be made by us of teaching them something fruitful which would be remembered in future as well though, it’s not always easy to make commitments like this in each situations as there are various factors on which they are based on like in which the biggest aspect is that of time constraint and the other daily routines that couldn’t be broken up to meet up these commitments.
LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognise the benefits of working collaboratively.
For me, working together in a team, makes the most difficult tasks even easier and smoother than ever as it includes the inputs from different people and also has a benefits of different people investing different skills.
Working with the other students from my grade working as volunteers was really very easy as they are the people always around throughout the year and we all commonly share some work experiences altogether that makes the tasks accomplish easily. For me, team work was a crucial part in this service as it’s not the work of alone to teach the students that too of underprivileged.

Final Take Away –
Learner profile characteristics that i developed were -:
– Caring: As these are students with less knowledge, innocence and sense, a great sense of care is required for them so that they take something positive with them so to develop further in their lives.
– Communicators: As it was a place with many people around, i learned to open up with these children and to maintain a good relations with them so to convey my teachings better to them.
– Open minded: Though these students were underprivileged, i had an open kind of perception and thinking wherein i didn’t consider the difference between them and us and treated all of them equally.
This activity helped the students to learn a lot from us and they even left back with some learnings to be implemented in our lives as well. The main highlight in this activity for me was to be in between of such unique children with different qualities in them and to get a chance to spend time with them and to know their lifestyle along with the agenda. I would sure like to conduct or be a part of such activities or service sessions again as they were really fruitful and taught us a lot of important values in life.

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