The CAS trip was organized by Fountainhead School to Gir for 4 days, which was from 6th September 2018 to 9th September 2018. The objective of this trip was to make a front of the well to prevent the lions from falling in it. In the previous years, the main reason for the sudden decrease in the population of lions was because the lions fell in those open wells while hunting their prey. It was a great experience for the first time! I did welding, cutting the rods, etc and also our teachers made it fun by dividing us into two groups which motivated us to complete the work as soon as possible to win from the other team. In addition, it was a perfect chance to run away from the academic strain and spend some time with friends and feel heroic by helping for a social cause. However, even the local workers helped us to ensure our safety and also because we were performing such activities for the first time.

Learning outcomes achieved:-

LO1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
This trip made me realize that I am a true nature lover. also While my determination is my strength, my impatient nature is my major weakness. My impatient nature made me face difficulties while working in a team. I often got irritated when the work wasn’t done. However, with time, I realized that I need to work upon this. It was important for me to identify my strengths and weakness. I can now use my determination in the right places and work upon my impatient nature. Working upon my weakness will help me become a better person, mentally. 


LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills
Everything for the first time is difficult. The main challenge was doing things like welding, cutting rods and shaping it, etc for the first time. It got me nervous when I saw it for the first time but the local workers made it go smooth. In the end, it made me feel proud and also confident to do any work in those lines.

LO4: Show perseverance and commitment in CAS experience

During the trip, I wasn’t feeling well however, I had to complete the task given to me (welding and drilling). Time was running out we had to create 2 large fences to cover 2 big wells, therefore there was no time to waste! We had to complete the task before the deadline, also working in the team kept me motivated to work and finish the task as soon as possible


LO5: Demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively
As mentioned above, we were divided into groups which made my enthusiasm touch the sky. Generally, working in a team is not a task for me since I am an extrovert I could make myself productive in my team. I could see the leader in me growing. A plus point was that I was with my friends which also made my interest in the work and team both more productive and efficient.

LO6: Engagement with issues of global significance
The existence of the Asiatic lions holds worldwide importance. As per the census, 250 lions. The decreasing number of Asiatic lions in the world was an issue of global significance and we were contributing to save them. It was said that every year 40 lions out of 523 lions fell into the well. 40 lions falling a year is a huge decrease in their number, which can lead to their existence and cause a disturbance in the food web as well as the ecosystems. Before making the covers, we were given a brief summary about the lions and the surrounding by an expert in the field. He helped us understand the reason of taking such an action and what all his organisation has done to protect the lions.

Overall, it was a great experience. It gave me more knowledge about lions. We even went on a walk in the jungle at night to experience their world, which was very scary but we got used to it. We even got to know more about their culture as they called in locals to perform a special act that they always do. I learned new skills, which included welding, cutting and polishing metals. It made us all feel good as we were able to do something nice for the lions. It brought me joy.

Video of the trip, made by one of my classmates:



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