Ultimate frisbee is a mixed gender game played on a 110m x 37m field by 7 players on each side. This is a less known game in India but our school offers it as a personal sports preference. I have opted for ultimate frisbee as my PS because it seems quite interesting to me and it also has a high level of sportsmanship and spirit which improve the day to day behavior of a person. I have been learning frisbee since the grade-10 but I have still taken it up as one of my CAS activities because I want to improve my game-sense and game-style in the span of grade-11. I will also participate in 2-3 frisbee tournaments that will be held in Surat.The strand covered through this task is “activity”. The learning outcomes covered in this activity are- LO1-Identify own strengths and develop areas for growthI was able to identify my strengths and weakness through the course of this activity. While my forehand throws and, the ability to judge and catch the disc. However, my backhand throws are a little weak when compared to all other types of throws and I also lacked some game sense. It was very much necessary for me to identify my weaknesses which were backhand throws and game sense because only then I could have made my game style better. Improving on the aspects that I lack will also help my team as a whole as everyone matters in any team sport. After identifying my weaknesses, I was able to work upon my backhand throws, and I also learned some new defensive and offensive strategies that improved my game-sense. LO4-Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiencesPerseverance and commitment were necessary to accomplish my aim in this activity. While learning strategies to improve my game sense was easy, improving my backhand throws was comparatively harder. I had to practice them daily and also practice them in the matches. It was quite difficult for me to throw backhands in the matches because I lacked confidence. However, with time, I was able to learn them properly with respect to the wind and I also built a significant amount of self-confidence. It was easy for me to show commitment towards this activity because it is something that I enjoy a lot and have been playing for a long time.One of the tournaments that I attended.Minions was the team in which I played.