Monsoon Music – Literature Event !

Monsoon Music was an Literature Event that was held in our school. In this event, people were divided into two groups. One of them was Seva cafe where I was representing and providing service to the audience and participants with lemonade and coco. I always wanted to provide such services in order to not only provide drinks to the audience and participants but a SMILE as well :). Learning Outcome 2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. — Conducting and providing such was not so easy for us to handle in front of large audience. We started our work from cleaning the glasses, setting up the table to serving was all done by me, I did not know how to do this before the day of the event, Thought it wasn’t a very challenging skill but it was just difficult since I never had such kind of things and neither there was someone to help me hence it was definitely kind of challenge to myself to come outside my comfort zone. Learning Outcome 4 – Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences. — Showing commitment to my work was definitely important in order to satisfy the audience. As well as putting up perseverance towards the work assigned to me was an important task. Thought my job was to serve but i also made commitment to come up with making of eye catching and attractive posters in the event hence letting audience know about our stall and let them drink these beverages while they were enjoying their event. Making commitment was not easy for me though i told in front of everyone that i will be making the posters but at first it was hard for me to come up with different ideas that should have been unique to the audience….time passed and i wasn’t able to get any ideas at a moment i thought to leave such job and only focus on only to serve the audience but my commitment and perseverance towards my work made me think of different ideas and present it towards the audience. Learning Outcome 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively. — It was not only me but a team of 4-5 members who were allocated to serve the drinks to the audience and participants. At first it was not easy to manage the entire team, no one was agreeing to one point everyone had different aspect of doing their work. No one wanted to do the difficult job due to which there were conflicts and was rising and no synergy was maintained among the group members. So one of my friend and I took the initiative of making the posters and hence some part of conflicts was easily resolve. Even during the event people didn’t wanted to go and serve again and again hence I took the decision where each one of us will go 2 times each and then pass it to another so that everyone gets to do the job equally. At last I got know that its very important that everyone in a team should work by helping each other and not putting the task on each other. To conclude I was able to achieve my CAS experience from conducting and providing up with the service. Through this we were able to reach the successive point of our CAS service. I got to learn many things from this Service, I developed different learner profile attributes in me…like leadership, communication and caring cause all 3 of them was very important. I learned about how to cooperate while working in the group since we faced so many conflicts. Through this I made sure that in future if i ever go through such conflicts will easily be able to resolve such problem. Atlast I really enjoyed providing such services in such a great event held in our school.    

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