Basket ball Tournament

I have been playing Basket ball since 6 years, and it has always been a great experience. With each year, my game and playing style and skill increases, which helps me to help my team win the tournaments. This year, I got selected in the school basketball team, and as a team it was our aim to win the tournament. In order to achieve this, we would thoroughly practice in our PS slots and also would try to come early. This would help us to set a co-ordination with each other in the game. L3- Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience. As the tournaments started, we would closely observe and understand the game and strategies of different teams, and especially our opponents. This would help us to get an idea upon the weaknesses of the other team. Then we used to form our strategies according to the other team’s game. This way, we could easily defeat the other teams. L4- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences Our tournament was around February, and during that time we had our exams as well as our deadlines for submissions. However, being committed to the game, I would never bunk my school or training class, by managing my time and and sacrificing some hours of my sleep. Even though it was very pressuring, and painful, however being committed to the game inspired and motivated me and would boost me up. L5- Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively Basketball has always been a team game and one can’t succeed without a great and supporting team. Since I was playing with my seniors after a year, and being in the same team, it was essential for me to build a rapport with them in order to succeed. So we would try to practice whenever we would be free in order to co-ordinate with each other. Though we didn’t won the match, but through the co-ordination, we were able to play really well and were appreciated. L7- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions. People generally, tend to become rough during their game, and deliberately does a fowls, such as pushing, etc. This increases their chances of winning the game. However, this method isn’t ethical enough, as you are winning at the cost of hurting the other person. I made sure to not be unethical and be very conscious about my choices, so as to make sure it ethical. Even though, we didn’t win a match, however we did have the sense of satisfaction that were weren’t unethical, even when we were soo pressurized. Over all this was a new and amazing CAS experience, which helped to be ethical, have collaborative and team building skills. Also one should never loose their sportsman spirit, and keep it high.

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