Valentine’s Day at Old Age Home

Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love. Hence, me and my friends decided to celebrate it with the people who needed it the most. We went to an old age home where we filled up balloons and gave them to each resident.


L3- initiate and plan a CAS experience


We planned and initiated this event together. It was very difficult to plan it since some people didn’t have any classes together. We had to meet outside of school but it was not always possible as everyone was involved with some sport or other activity and our schedules often clashed. But we still made the most out of our time whenever we met.


L1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth


It made me encounter my strengths and weaknesses. My strength was that I was good at organising events and enjoyed interacting with elderly people. However, my weakness was that I was very busy with softball and musical and often got very tired to work efficiently. But I tried to get refreshed so that I could work better.


L5- Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively

Collaboration was an important aspect of this activity since we had to work together while planning it as well as during the event itself. When one person was filling up balloons, some had to tie them, some had to tie strings to them, some had to deliver them, etc. We exchanged the roles every once in a while. It got a little annoying sometimes when some people were sitting idle and not working. But on the whole, it was a fun activity all of us became better friends.


L6-engagement with issues of global significance


Loneliness and mental health are issues of global significance for all elderly people. As people get older, they go through anxiety and depression because they do not have anyone to love them and make them happy. Mental health for older people has unfortunately always been ignored. That is why we thought of taking a step towards it. 


We were surprised how such a small gesture could make their day. It made us care for other people. It was the best way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

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