Karma kitchen was a student-led event organized by two of my dearest friends and its main aim was to give tribute to the staff members of the school for their services and care by cooking food and entertaining them on behalf of all the teachers,students and staff members.people for this event were divided into 2 groups of management and decoration. As the decoration team turned the sitting area into a beautiful place, the cooking team cooked and took the initiative of serving people and clean spoons and dishes which were in abundance.


LO 2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

As a person who is still learning to cook, it was a challenge for me as preparing materials in the part of cooking was manageable but there was a part where I had to make purries in tremendous amount and was scared to achieve it but still, I tried and quite liked the outcome. As we entered, we were assigned to wipe plates and spoons which were more than hundered in quantity but still even though I got bored and tired as it was a tidious job, I tried my best to complete it. In the end, I was satisfied that I learned a new skill in cooking.

LO 4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

At first, I wasn’t confident whether I was able to make a perfect round puri and struggled with it for about 15 minutes and finally, the efforts paid off! and now the challenge was to continue the good work for long which was tiresome and had to have a lot of patience and motivation as I continued it for about 2 and a half hour.

LO5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

One always brings out its best when working with a team collaboratively which was really important for this task. We had to divide our work to make it on time and with an order od a ton of puris and cleaning dishes is next to impossible without it within a few hours . in the part of cooking we all faced some difficulties in the beginning but afterward we mastered it and everybody worked to complete the target similarly my team worked along to clean the dishes, if some are piling the plates then other people will clean them in speed .working collaboratively isn’t an issue for me and especially when everybody’s hearts are inclined to make someone feel happy and special as good deed. in the end, it was a success and everybody hard work and dedication paid off!

In the end, I would like to say that I was fortunate to receive this opportunity as food is that one thing can win anyone’s heart and does justice to oneself and feeding someone is the best deed anybody can do.I felt so proud and happy looking at every support staff member’s smiles which gave me satisfaction and a feeling of returning a favor. This experience was unique in its own way as it was about respect and gratitude for people who do know us that deep but still does care.

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