Volunteering in ‘La Vie Secrete’

La Vie Secrete was an event wherein it was more of a life class where few experts from our school, the teachers, preached the attendees with some life lessons and shared their real-life examples, making the session extremely engaging and fruitful. I helped the event organizers of this event that is ‘Mishthi’, ‘Jahanvi’, ‘Namrata’ and ‘Twisha’ with handling and managing the overall event and with the pre-preparations like the decor, set up, invites, transports, etc. This event in overall perspective was amazing that had a good ambience with a decorated backdrop and had the session between nature which was an interactive one that leads to the rise of the demand of a similar event like these.
Learning Outcomes achieved –
LO 1 – Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

While volunteering in this event, I identified a lot of my strengths and weaknesses. According to me, knowing our strengths and weaknesses is very crucial as your strengths help us identify ourselves whereas the weaknesses hold us back in different areas where we have the capability to work upon it. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses we can know where we stand and work upon the area we lag in. I found out that I can work very well in teams and have a good communication skill wherein I was successfully able to handle my department. On the other hand, I found out that I had a weakness in time management skills here I was not able to able to prioritise my tasks which lead to a bit of delay in the event. After knowing my strengths and weaknesses I was able to reflect upon the area I lack and if I would have developed my time management skills, I would have helped to be with the tasks on time and the event would have been more enjoyable and the inconvenience occurred would have neglected.

LO 2 – Demonstrate that the new challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

While volunteering in the event, the biggest challenge I faced was to handle the huge crowd and keep everything managed as there were many people whom I didn’t know and there were separate facilities to be served to the guest speakers though, I have done such jobs in various events like in the Ganesh Chaturthi in the society but this altogether was a demanding task for me. For to overcome this challenge, along with my communication and leadership skills that I furthermore developed during the event, I took the help of the elders and even the event coordinators that they made the work smooth.
According to me, undertaking such challenges is very important as these challenges help us shape ourselves as a responsible human being and they always come with an opportunity to learn something new and to build up our personality in person. Learning new skills also helps us become multitasking and help us stand out in a crowd and also help us not getting down in any form or type of work.

LO 5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

For me, working together in a team makes the most difficult tasks even easier and smoother than ever as it includes the inputs from different people and also has a benefit of different people having different skills. In the ‘La Vie Secrete’, it was very easy for me to work with the team as I knew them personally and had work experience with them before during the school projects. The most important aspect of teamwork in this project was to lead everything efficiently and smoothly which than wouldn’t lead to any complications further in the project.

Final Take Away –
Learner profile characteristics that I developed were -:
– Communicators: As it was a place with many people around, I learned to open up with unknown people and to develop good relations with them.
– Balanced: As a particular thing in access is harmful in each aspect like in this project, there was a try to maintain a balance between the decor, background music, stage, etc. that overall in a balanced manner gives it a perfect set up.
– Caring – As this was an event where we reflected our own personality, and care of guests was the must, huge care for the facilities was taken care of so that there isn’t a single aspect that would lead rise to complaints and negative feedback.

Me, volunteering in this event helped the coordinators to lead it to success to a great extent and the event itself was so fruitful that there were people with a lot of positive takings and had learned from the real-life examples shared.
The main highlight for me from this event was the positive image that I created in front of many people and the way people approached me for help and queries and got them cleared as a result.
Volunteering in this project brought up a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction to me by looking its success as a perspective and the number of learning I took from this experience which would surely help me in the life in certain situations and would help me standby all difficult situations in different scenarios.
At last, I would surely love to conduct or attend similar events further where it includes teachings of the real world.

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