Monsoon Musings

Monsoon Musings was a literary event organised by Grade 11 students and language teachers of Fountainhead School, Surat. This event was organised to give students, teachers and parents a chance to exhibit their thoughts and skills through forms of literature like short stories, poems, etc. This event was divided into one more part, Seva Cafe. the students who volunteered for Seva Cafe had prepared food for guests who could pay whatever amount of money they wanted. The school was also decorated with artworks by students which were for sale and again the guests could pay whatever sum they wanted. There were donation boxes kept for collecting money, all the money collected during the event was donated for charity.


Learning Outcomes-


LO.1- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

Before serving food we had to prepare food and I was assigned to run some errands as I was the best man for the job and I am bad at cooking. Now that I know about my cooking skills I will certainly work on it. It is important to know your weaknesses and strengths to be able to work on them. Learning cooking is very useful as one can prepare food without depending on others.


LO.2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

I had volunteered for Seva Cafe and my task was to serve refreshments to guests which was not all that challenging as I had done that before. The problem was that there were a lot of guests and some of them were making demands which were not so feasible, like asking for coffee/tea without sugar or making it stronger. It was difficult to deal with such people but after dealing with a few it was the same with others. It is important for us to take new challenges because they help us grow as an all-rounded person and they help us identify our strengths and weaknesses.


LO.4- commitment to and perseverance

I was committed towards serving others and did not shy away from my duties. I had to do my work for a long time because people came to eat at different times. I felt bored at times but there were others who were working as well so even I completed what I had to do. It is usually not very easy for my to show commitment towards things but somehow I did this.

There was no wastage of food, and all the money was donated for charity which makes me proud. I developed these learner profiles – Open minded, Principled, Communicators

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