
This summer vacation I learned yoga for 2 months. To be honest I was very hesitant to go for yoga classes at first. As being flexible and core strengthening has never been my strongest parts. So I pushed myself to go out of my comfort zone by challenging myself to do something that I would have never done. By doing this I completed Learning outcome 3 by initiating a plan and also Learning outcome 2 as I took up a challenge to learn a new skill. Once I started going for the yoga classes my body felt rejuvenated in a very different way, I had never felt like this before. Slowly slowly I started to like yoga more and more and therefore, I became very consistent in going to the class and by doing this I achieved Learning outcome 4. Before starting the yoga class everyday my teacher would tell all the students some facts related to yoga. After about the 4th class he told all of us about how yoga is losing its touch with people day by day as people no longer want to do yoga. To an extent that it is being replaced by high tech gyms which have a lot of machinery. Hearing about this, made me realize the importance of yoga and how I unintentionally I had engaged with an issue of global significance by doing this Learning outcome 6 was achieved. Where I not only encouraged myself to do yoga but my family members as well as my friends.

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