
congratulatory card given by the priest.
Whakanui was a student-led event held in the school itself. To get a clear perspective and to understand the language in cultural context the event was organized. It was meant to understand and learn about different cultures, their language, and traditions. The theme was Royal wedding and so we were divided into 7 teams. Each team was allocated to a country and we had to showcase how a wedding is done using various text types. My team got new Zealand under which we chose the Maori tribe. So my text type was priest’s blessings in the form of a congratulatory card. learning outcomes: lo1- identify own strength and develop areas of growth: It is necessary to know what your skills are in order to enhance it. So in order to make the text type online editing skills were required since I am not used to it, it took a bit of effort and time. However when I actually made the text type my team leader said that the background color does not match with the theme, so in a very short time period I was required to manage and complete the task with appropriate language and colors and due to which I sacrificed my study time, but what I observed was that the speed in making the text type was increased, thereby enhancing my editing skills. lo2: demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken in developing a new skill: The text type should be made using proper conventions so that each part can be analyzed. Finding information is not difficult but analyzing the text is and since this was my first year in Ib, I found it difficult to cope up with other students of my grade and It challenged my self-esteem and confidence, I tried my best, I gave in my all efforts and took help from my peers in improvising the area I needed to work upon. Also, this task was all about explaining to the people what Maori culture is all about and since I am not more of a speaker person it was quite tough and challenging for me but I didn’t want to let my team down, and I wanted to do it for myself. lo4- show preservance and commitment: Since I have stage fear, at times I felt like giving up when I was speaking, my mouth would dry, my pulse increased and I could not utter a word. while the people kept coming on, so it became quite difficult and the fear of being embarrassed in front of the students from smaller grades made me more nervous and anxious. since it was the first time I tried public speaking and coming out of my comfort zone, I was quite happy about it. My friends motivated me and told me where I could work upon. I know that I still need to work upon it a lot but I am glad that I at least took a step forward. lo5-demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively: Our decoration wasn’t ready and we did it at the last moment. It was because of the teamwork that we could do it. I like working in groups since one cannot do what five can do. My team was cooperative and understanding. We also divided our text types in order to make it quick and we were the first group which was completed with all the text types. lo7- recognize and consider the ethics of choice and action: citation is very necessary since it is not ethical to take credits of somebody else’s work as your own and in order to learn something, one needs to appreciate and respect others work. So I and my team made sure that we gave publication credit and cited our work.

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