Service Sessions

Our school provided us with an opportunity to teach the underprivileged kids something of our interest. I choose to teach them frisbee. I met many new kids and learned how they find happiness in learning something new. 

The strands covered through this task are “activity” and “service”. 

The learning outcomes covered are: 


LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken developing new skills

I have always been a good student but I am not at all good at teaching something to someone. Service sessions required me to teach frisbee to the kids from a rural background. This wasn’t easy for me. I had to plan out how I had to teach the kids and it was quite challenging for me. Also, it was initially quite hard for me to instruct the kids as I wasn’t used to it. However, with time I became used to it and I was successfully able to teach them. I developed my communication skills, which helped me in becoming a better teacher. It is important for one to learn such skills because they hold a lot of significance in real life. 


LO3- Initiate and plan a CAS experience

Before we had to teach the kids, we were supposed to plan about how to teach them and what actually we will teach them. We also had to plan interesting ways in which we could teach them how to catch or throw a frisbee. While it was easy for us to plan the activities, it was quite difficult to initiate them. The kids required a more amount of time than we planned for learning the basic skills required. Hence, we had to change our plans at the last moment. This made me realize how important it is for one to make spontaneous decisions. I am now confident that, in the future, I can make such decisions. 


LO6-engagement with issues of global significance

Underprivileged kids usually don’t have access to proper education. Often, they aren’t provided with sports equipment, first aid, etc. Hence through these service sessions, I was able to engage with this global issue. Many kids weren’t aware of the importance of first aid while playing any sport and they were taught about the same. Lack of awareness about first-aid is a global issue. Many kids from such backgrounds often ignore their minor injuries. This ignorance turns such minor injuries into major ones. Hence, it is very important for us to teach such things to them, which have a global significance. 


LO7-Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

We weren’t monitored by anyone during these service sessions. I could have easily asked those kids to play all by themselves. I could have rather studied or played with my friends at that time. However, I didn’t do so because I knew what was right and ethical. I knew that these kids had a lot of expectations from me and my school. Hence, I did what was right. I taught them how to play frisbee, whole-heartedly. This also helped me find happiness and satisfaction. It was very important for us to be ethical to the kids and also be honest to them. 

These services sessions helped me a lot in becoming a better person, mentally. I have become much more patient, now. I have also developed a sense of responsibility in me and I have realized how important it is to take up challenges. Teaching was always a challenge for me. However, after taking up this challenge during the service sessions, I have realized how good I am at teaching. This was an important learning for me.



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