For this CAS experience,we learners were provided with an opportunity of extending and reflecting our knowledge of the IB English course. We specifically demonstrated our knowledge of Part 2 of the course: Language in cultural context. The task was to create text types based on Royal Wedding of a particular culture. In this event I was the team leader of Team Great Britain and my job was to lead the team in this event and create text types based on the wedding such as Invitation card, Menu card, wedding vows, etc. The royal wedding which we covered was of prince Harry ,and Meghan Markel : The duke and duchesses of Sussex
Date of the event : 10 January 2019
My contribution:
Being the team leader for the group there were several task I had to do simultaneously to ensure that the work is done on time and our presentation is successful. First and foremost, I had to explain the event and tasks to my fellow team members, giving them a brief idea, the task, the text type which needs to be focused and the aims and objectives of this event. Also, I did provide the deadline for the work and the date of the event and other required details to them.
I also delegated the work to my team members by looking at their strengths and weaknesses so all the work would be carried out effectively. In this process I took the help of My team mentor. I allocated them the task and gave them a deadline of submission which was 20th December.
I also conducted regular meetings with my team during school breaks and note down the progress of the task which I reported to my team mentor.
The ordering of resources for the decorations and text types was done by me with the help of my tea members as we discussed how we will decorate the wedding.
Learning Outcomes:
LO1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth
I have fewer experiences in being a leader and leading a team however I believe that I can be a good leader. Therefore, leadership was an area of growth for me. I effectively utilized my strength of communicating during this event as communication skills were highly required as I was the leader.
LO2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.
The biggest challenge was the ability to multitask. As I was the leader I had plenty of work on my shoulder and all the task had to be carried out simultaneously and on time for the success of the event. Multitasking was a challenge taken in developing my leadership skills.
LO3: Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience
All the planning of the text types, noting down the minutes of meetings, and setting up deadlines for each task was supposed to be done by the team leader. This event had Creativity as the creation of the text types were done and we had to present those in a creative way.
LO5: Demonstrate skills and benefits of working collaboratively
To make this event successful it was vital to work in a team,be open minded, listen and understand team members opinions. Effective communication skills within the team was very important so the whole team is aware about the progress made by each team member. Working as a team also made the completion of tasks faster as the work was divided according to team member’s preference and their skills. The work was also of high quality as the skills of team members were combined.
This experience was a test to my communication and research skills. This experience also helped me to develop and enhance my leadership and time management skills. On the day of the event I was proud of my team as we were done with the decoration on time and everyone was prepared to what they were going to speak. We got good comments from the head of our school Mr Vardan Kabra as we were able to properly connect our text types with the learning outcomes and how culture is linked with language and Mass communication. We were officially awarded the best team and I was awarded the best leader.