Service session

Its very sad to know that not all the people are as preve;iged as we are, and not all the people know the skills we know. There are some people out there who want to learn these skills but cannot do so because of their financial conditions and as and as privileged people it is our responsibility to help them learn new skills. Such kind of work was done by our school in the form of service sessions wherein they invited some government schools to our school and the students were responsible for teaching the skills which they chose. These children came to our school every week for 6 consecutive saturdays.  As a part of the session i was incharge of teaching these students cooking.

Learning outcomes achieved:-

L2:Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process- We had to keep in mind that we were teaching children who were given such kind of exposures first time and were probably learning these skills first time and the biggest part was that not all of them were the same age. Initially we did find it a bit difficult and it did take a lot of effort to manage the situation and control the kids from wandering here and there. Cause it so happened that the group that we were catering to consisted majority of girls and minority of boys so many times it so happened that the boys would not listen to us and they would fight over small things so i learned patience cause i had to keep in mind that the children were young in age so they took time to understand things and so i had to make them understand things tactfully.



L4: Show commitment to and perseverance in the CAS experiences- The session lasted for 6 weeks which equals to 2 months so it was necessary for us to show the commitment to the task that we had taken up so that the learning of the students wasnt hampered . Although there were various other plans that were made in my family i showed commitment because i wanted to do something for these kids not just for the sake of doing but by investing my heart and soul into it and i guess that’s  what i learned during these sessions.

L5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively- As stated earlier there were many students in one group so one single person wouldn’t have managed all the students so all of us took equal responsibility of managing the students and interacting with them so that they enjoy learning and want to come back the next time.

Needless to say it was an amazing experience for me because i being a sensitive person was always affected by such kind of thing and wanted to do something for these kids. And i am glad that i could be a part of such a session cause the love that i got from the kids after the session was immense and the smile on their faces was satisfying enough for me to take home.



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